Thursday, December 10, 2009


sedang aku berjalan dan berblogging..aku terjumpa sesuatu.CATCHEYE.COM..prgram affilite pengiklanan kat MALAYSIA..setelah aku baca.aku dapati prgram ni FREE,risiko kurang la sikit untuk rugi kan.takat promote link suh org join tu..takan la org tak nak join.dah la FREE..lpas join dpt duit lak tu RM1..nmpak ciput je boleh g tandas 5 kali beb..(tandas 20sen la..)so..mmg agak best la gak..aku pun try la..kalau ada apa2 perkembangan ak akn bgtau..hihihih...jgn jadi mcm ONLY IN MALAYSIA kejadah pe tah tu sudah..hihih..

"Assalamualaikum dan Salam Sejahtera, JOM CARI DUIT SIKIT...ianya FREE TANPA MODAL..Luangkan masa 5 minit anda di sini, Jom join catcheyes jom.. Catcheyes adalah sebuah syarikat pengiklanan TERBARU di Malaysia, apa yang menariknya anda DI BAYAR untuk setiap iklan yang anda lihat disini, ya,mudah saja, klik2 iklan tak samapai seminit dah dapat duit, malah mereka MEMBAYAR kita sehingga level 4 secara infiniti.... Katakan anda menaja 10 orang di level 1, kemudian mereka menaja 10 orang lagi sehinggalah 4 level, tahu tak $NAME&? awak akan peroleh RM11 jika sehari mereka klik untuk 1 iklan, kalau sehari mereka klik 10x anda peroleh RM11x10=RM110 Jika sebulan anda akan peroleh RM110x30=RM3300.. banyak tu ..awak tak nak ke? Jom sertai saya..benda ni 100% PERCUMA, TAK PERLU MODAL cuma perkenalkan kepada 10 orang je..benda free xkan tak boleh ajak..untuk maklumat awak, keahlian catcheye semakin bertambah sekarang..jangan berlengah lagi..Ini bukan penipuan..ini betul2.. Bagaimana cara nak register!!

1. Klik

2. Klik join catcheye now

3. Isi maklumat diri, IC dan alamat (penting sebab cek dihantar berdasarkan ini, selepas cukup RM50)

4. Isi jawapan: Soalan 1 jawapan A, Soalan 2 jawapan B, Soalan 3 jawapan A. (jika awak jawab salah pendaftaran tidak diterima)

5. Klik agree and proceed..Ok, siap Kemudian apa perlu anda buat?

6. Klik sign in

7. Lepas sign in klik reward panel

8. Awak lihat akaun awak ade RM1 (bonus) dan link awak.

9. Copy link awak dan gantikan link saya ini dengan link awak.

10. Postkan risalah saya ni di buletin myspace/friendster/tagged,hi5 & emailkan kepada kawan2.

11. Lihatlah tak sampai sebulan awak dah ade 10 orang di level 1 percayalah! sebab benda ni 100% PERCUMA TANPA MODAL.


Wednesday, December 9, 2009


wawaa...arini aku mendapat berita baru dari ADMIN MSPACEMONEY..dah ada peraturan baru dah..pakej2 ni klik ada had limit la pulak..tapi tak pe..rm100 sebulan pun ok gak..spe nk bg rm100 sebulan free2

well.utk setiap pakej..had limit utk setiap klik adalah berbeza...

plantinum – 2200 klik sebulan
diamond –
2500 klik sebulan
pearl –
2300 klik sebulan
ruby –
1500 klik sebulan

so kalau utk pakej RUBY tu..sebulan rm150 je la ye..haha..tapi mak aku kata ok la..sbb spe nak bg rm150 free2 kepada mereka yang nak join tu..ape lagi klik la..sbb dgr2 kata 1hb tahun dpn harga nak join akan dinaikan bg semua pakej.RUBY saje kalu tak silap RM100 lpas la ye..hehe..sbb mmg untung ha..


Tuesday, December 8, 2009


arini aku ada tranning memandu la gak bawak lori ni..aritu dh try bawak BAS, mudah sangat..sebab BAS MINI je.LORI plak agak susah sikit dari biasa.tapi..aku tetap BLOGGING..hehe..arini aku punye akaun ONLYINMALAYSIAMAH dpt lebih dari seratus klik..bila aku tanya admin tu bila nak bg duit.dia bising ape benda plak...nak kena pnyepak dengan aku kot..dia ingt driver kapal terbang tak leh sepak org ke...terrr tol la...rasa macam nak tendang je preut beliau..tapi apaun aku tetap sabar.............aku nak check akaun nuff aku...mintak2 la naikkhee...adsense pun naik sikit.ok la tu..kalau ada otai2 adsense...infom la aku.....jgn la buat derk je..

Monday, December 7, 2009


hari ni dah dua mingg uaku main dgn nuffnang ni..tapi tak naik2 pun income nuffnang aku..huhuh..
so kepada korang2 yang dh dpt income dgn nuffnang ni..ajar la aku buat macam mana..aku bagai nak gila pikir masalah nuffnang aku ni....

try la tgk sendiri...

p/s ; klik gambar kalau nak enlarge


  1. Bulletin-based Advertising. Mastering this is the first and most fundamental step towards making money with MySpace. Add as many friends as possible (either manually or through automated software) and learn to send out bulletins or comments which drive traffic towards your money-making sites.

    Depends on how targeted or aggressive your broadcasting, these methods can be regarded by MySpace and other users as spam.

  2. Use Affiliate programs. Direct Myspace traffic to your website which contains your affiliate links or product feeds. I suggest going for Cost Per Action programs which only require the visitor to submit his or her email address or sign up for a free account with any website.

    Dating network, free X360 offers or ringtones would generally do well although some affiliate networks may not be too pleased if you primarily get all your affiliate traffic from MySpace alone. Mixing MySpace into your overall affiliate marketing strategy will be more balanced and useful.

  3. Start a MySpace Resource site. Your aim is to make money through Adsense and other advertising by driving MySpace traffic to your site.

    The main attraction of your site will be the availability of free MySpace resources such as templates, codes, graphics and survey generators etc. Note however, that many webmasters have reported poor click values for MySpace resource sites because of the low paying ads.

  4. Create dozens of accounts everyday and sell them to webmasters which are looking to promote their website on MySpace. There is actually demand for multiple Myspace accounts in webmaster and affiliate marketing forums.
  5. Offer Advertising Space for webmasters and businesses. This will only work if you have a large number of friends on your MySpace accounts. You can probably charge webmasters a fee for putting up a link to their website or business.

    This is usually done through bulletin-style notices that go out to multiple members or mass commenting. Think of it as something similar to an email list.

  6. Partner with independent musicians and bands to reach out to their fan base. This will allow you to get some sales for your products if they are highly relevant. I suppose that T-shirts and fashion accessories will do well when they receive personal recommendations from musicians.
  7. Create and Sell Myspace scripts or templates. You can either set up your own website to sell these templates or sell them to MySpace Resource websites, who are always looking for new material. Keeping the price competitive is an important factor here.
  8. Build a MySpace website around your business. For example, if you are selling shoes, you could build a MySpace page which highlights a specific section of your website (E.G. sports sneakers, vintage shoes) which would appeal to the MySpace market. This will usually get some visitors to your website and may lead to actual sales.
  9. Start a Proxy site. Proxies are websites, which allow users to surf websites which may be banned in a specific locality. They are usually monetized by Adsense or other types of contextual based advertising.

    Proxies are popular with the MySpace crowd because it allows them to bypass web filters that are set up by the schools or businesses to block Myspace websites. There are a lot of proxies out there and competition for MySpace and other internet users is quite strong.

    I suggest getting into the Proxy business only if you really know how to promote your proxy effectively on both MySpace and the search engines.

  10. Use MySpace Groups for targeted marketing. Visit the category relevant to your business and carefully drop targeted links to your website, which should contain useful content alongside affiliate programs/Adsense.

Sunday, December 6, 2009


salam.maybe ada yang tertanya2 kenapa page MYSPACEMONEY tu tak leh bukak kan..
bukan ape..sbb myspacemoney tgh updated data2..kemaskini data2 yang ada...almaklumla ramai yang join kena la updated data2 semua bg tersusun..dalam 24 jam nnt selesai la..esok insyaallah boleh guna..jadi..bersabar la ye..

ADMIN KATA :maaf kami sedang kemaskini data.proses kemaskini mengambil masa 24jam.segala kesulitan amat dikesali

berminat nak join?? >>>KLIK SINI<<<


salam semua..hari ni baru aku dapat menulis..hari ni aku dapat sesuatu yang agak menarik.mana taknya,,dah la free..klu dpt 100 klik kita boleh dapat rm202.50..hebat gila..mmg mnguntungkan..klu seratus klik..kalau 200 klik untung la,ape kata korang try...FREE JE...

1.mula2 klik link dibawah ni..
2.lpas tu scroll page sampai kebawah..sampai korang jumpa " Join As FREE Affiliates "
3.lpas tu korang klik la link tu..dah klik nanti..sign up..isi la apa2 yang patut.
4.lpas dah siap.log in kat akaun korang tu..cara nak log in.klik kat "Join As FREE Affiliates" tu.lpas tu kat bawah sikit tu ade tulis "sign in"
5.cari menu kat sebelah kiri bertulis 'My Account Info"
6.updated la akaun korang tu..isi number akaun..
7.cari kat menu tu "Traffic Monitor" yg tu adalah berape klik yg korang dapat.kalau dah seratus.tunggu je la..heheh..
mudah kan..lagipun tak kisah la sangt..


Saturday, December 5, 2009


hihih..mse aku tgh formatting PC aku kepada WINDOWS 7..aku dapat ym dari seorang ni..dia tanya..MYSPACEMONEY ni SND ke SND BHD..aku pun merujuk kepada ADMIN..

AKU : sy nak bertanya...MYSPACEMONEY ni diurus oleh syarikat atau perseorangan?

ADMIN : syarikat..3 orang tenaga pekerja dan 2 orang daripada pihak bank.seorang daripada maybank dan seorang daripada cimb yang menguruskan pembayaran komisen dan menyemak pembayaran ahli baru

so itulah jawapan dari beliau..admin pun tak tidur pukul 2am..haha..aku ingt bos2 ni tidur,xnk tgk ke websites ni?? NAK TENGOK

Friday, December 4, 2009


hari ni aku sungguh penat..mak cik sebelah buat kenduri..mana tak penat..kne pasang khemah la ape la..angkat dulang la..penat aku sempat menaip lagi.tajuk kat atas tu cuma nak bg cuak je..hihi...aku baru terperasan satu benda..SIJIL SYARIKAT MYSPACEMONEY tu..tamat pada JULY 2010.Aku pun dgn bjak bertanya kepada admin..betol ke MYSPACEMONEY nnt tutup yg ARIF?? admin pun dgn baik menjawab...

ADMIN>>> tidak..sijil itu mcm lesen memandu juga..jika tamat tarikh..kne renew..jadi bila dah renew ok la..harap maklum

dalam erti kata yang lain....MYSPACEMONEY tak kan ditutup la..sijil dia tu kne renew..(mcm lesen kete la plak) ok la..lagi lama program mcm ni lagi, tak ade org ke nak join????

nak daftar FREE?? >>KLIK SINI<<

Thursday, December 3, 2009


mesti ramai yang tak percaya..boleh buat duit ke dgn MYSPACEMONEY ni??jawapannya mudah aje..kompom2 la boleh..klu tak boleh..tgk la komisen2 kat bawah tu...masyuk tak masyuk korang tentukan sendiri..ape yang aku nk bgtau..kalau seminggu boleh banyak tu..cuba korang BERFANTASI kejap, kalau sebulan banyak mana???gila hebat kan...senang2 je nak buat duit..janji ISTIQAMAH TAWADDUQ DAN ISTINJAK..eh2 tak kira la apa pun..janji BIJAK nk iklankan link kita org ramai klik...

(komisen ahli PLATINUM selepas seminggu)

(komisen ahli RUBY selepas seminggu)

cuba perhatikan kedua2 komisen diatas tu..berbeZa bukan..mana taknye.satu pakej MAHAL,satu pakej\,mmg berbeza la komisennye dalam SEMINGGU..utk pemilihan pakej.MYSPACEMONEY ade 4 pakej yang tidak kurang hebatnya..


so,korang boleh nmpak sendiri kan bertape berbezanya harga2 pakej,klu spe2 nak join tu..bijak2 la membuat keputusan..sebab keuntungan dan duit yang bakal korang dapat dan bazirkan nant berdasarkan keputusan korang gak puisi dari aku....

p/s : sesape nak join sila KLIK SINI ..nak tanye lebih lanjut add sy
(boleh guna utk ym gk..janji emel sy copy ni smpai habis)


cuba perhatikan kedua2


heheh...arini aku mendapat satu idea untuk tulis pasal template2 utk BLOGGER2 yg baru...(aku pun baru gk)hehe...mse tgh merayap2 tu aku jmpe la page template yg,kt sini aku ade includekan beberapa snapshot template2 tersebut...korang tgk la ok...

(hijau yang menarik...)

(putih tp stylo)

(yg ni simple tp elegant wooo)

aku nak letak banyak2 tapi mcm bosan la pulak.heheh.klu korang suka template2 tu..KLIK JE KAT GAMBAR TU
klu korang tak ske..korang leh tgk kt website ni..banyak template2 yg sempoi kat sini..

ps : korang klik kt gambar tu.lpas tu sebelum tu baca la cara2 nak pasang template..jgn main download je..tgk kat bawah butang DOWNLOAD UNTUK SETIAP GAMBAR OK.(installation and setting tu la)


korng pernah tgk facebook bg zakat?hehehe....cbe korang tgk katsini...dpt duit free spe tak nak kan..


wow...korang mesti tak percaya..aku jumpa satu lagi article menarik..pernah dengar kan psal google adsense??tapi berape ramai je yang boleh dpt akaun google dan iklan2 google ni..aku dpt cara mudah nak buat akaun google adsense tanpa kita tulis article ape pun..mmg terbukti berkesan....


1. pergi ke website
2 register kat situ
3. buat pilhan nak apply google adsense
4. msukan email korang.
5. check email korang
6. verify email dari google adsense yg akan dihantar ke email korang
7. isi borang google adsense kat situ.TICK kotak option share with DOCSTOC tu.
8.tekan butang sent.
9. tunggu dalam masa dua hari,maka siap la akaun anda...

mudah bukan??mmg untung gila....tak payah BLOGING pun boleh..hihih..

korang mesti tak percaya kan?? klik kat WEBSITES INI untuk tengok betol ke tak.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009


aku ade terbaca satu lagi article tentang program jana duit kat MALAYSIA ni...JUTAWAN KLIK..tak tau la betl tak..tapi member aku pun kata mcm tu...ape2 pun korang try la baca..



tentu korang nak sangat org klik masuk websites korang kan.tambahan kalau websites korang tu yg PTC ke Pay Per View ke..hehe.well ade caranya..aku cari la sikit BI la..hehe..malas la nak aku shortform kan la buat korang..harap2 para MSMONEY GANG tu baca la ye..hehehe.....

Cara2nya TUAN2 dan PUAN2 (dh mcm nk masak ha..)

1. Get prominent listings on search engines and in Web directories

2. Rent or collect "opt-in" e-mail addresses and e-mail invitations to your prospects

3. Beg or swap links to your site from other sites your prospects visit

4. Promote your site URL offline everywhere you can

5. Send e-mail and "snail mail" press releases to announce your site (mcm SPAMMING aje)

so itu je la yg aku mampu lakukan buat korang..kalau korang nak lagi....korang tunggu la keluaran akan datang..takpun g la tgk sendiri kat sini..hehehhe >>> KLIK SINI<<


wow...korang percaye tak??mse aku tgh browsing sal internet ni.ttbe je aku nmpak website gmpak..gila bagus..dh la FREE..dpt USD 500 lagi...pakai CHECK dan PAYPAL..lagi bagus...

(Tak perlu kuar MODAL 1 sen pon, TAKKAN RUGI, SIGN UP FREE, dapat BONUS $500 lagi direct ke account lepas sign up)

Steps dia mudah jer…

1. Korg bukak laman nie..
2. Klik kat ‘Sign Up.’
3. Taip alamat email anda. Nanti mereka akan send kt email anda utk sahkan.
4. Tutup laman
5. Pastu..pergi tgk kat email korang. akan ade perkataan ni. ? sign up URL?. then, ‘Click’.
6. Kat ctu ade 2 link.anda klik je kat link yg ptama tu.
7. Lepas tu, akan kuar laman balik.
8. Klik dkt ‘Sign Up’.
9. Isi borang dia bagi.
10. Sampai dkt cara nak byr..korg pilih je melalui ‘Check’.
11. Lepas isi..klik kat ‘Sign Up’.
12. Masukkan Username ngan Password yg anda tulis dlm borang td.
13. Kat ctu anda akan nmpk account korang dlm tu ade $500…haaa, btolkan kami ckp td?
14. Then, klik dkt ‘paid2click’.
15. Kat ctu akan ade 7 banner. Stiap 1 banner korg klik, account korg akan btambah $10.00 @ RM40.00… utk klik banner ke 2 tggu smpai dia abis surf.
16. Klik smpai abis.
17. Klik kat ‘Earnings stats’?
18. Tgkla bape krg dpt dgn hanya klik kat banner. SENANG KAN??!!
19. Utk tambah duit anda dlm account tu..anda just promote pada member2 anda…ikut jer macam nie (copy paste blk sume cara2 ini)…just tukar URL jer..anda klik kt Referral Links..nnt ade URL anda…Gune URL anda (COPY PASTE URL ANDA)…n tukar url sy kpd url anda…nak gune URL saya pn leh gak…Huhu
Hours: 24 hours

Daripadaanda sumer dok buang mase dok main FRIENDSTER… MYSPACE @ ape kejadahnye lg..baik anda wat ni. bley gak untung. Ringankan beban mak bapak…iye idak???..hulurkan tgn ringankan beban…

Jgn risau, duit yang anda dapat ni HALAL?.ni atas usaha anda nak dpt duit tu, anda tlg PROMOTE WEBSITE DAN SPONSOR2 BOFFOPAIDMAIL, BOFFOPAIDMAIL bg la KOMISEN kat anda. Same je kalau anda jual barang dr umah ke umah, cm jurujual..tlg kempen barang?klau dapat ramai pelanggan, syarikat akan byr lebih komisenkan??..same je kan?
ni zaman ape?? Zaman IT cikgu! Bagus..bagus..
anda sggup ke menjaja dr umah ke umah?
skrg zaman ni e-Bussiness ler?
x yah penat2 dok jln sane sini..tebalkan muka promote brg kat org. Kalau org nak beli..okla kan, bebaloi ngan penat?klau org x nak beli??cmner?..x ke membazir air liur jer. Kat cni JUST SURF WEBSITE diorang, ..kire TLG PROMOTE brg2 diorang la. Dan anda dpt komisen?cmtula al-kisahnyer?faham btol2 yer. kami pon student gak & kami pon x kan buat kalau keja promosi ni x halal, takut gelap ati. Iye idak?? skadar penerangan, jgn mara aa’..=)


Kite akan dapat bayaran melalui CHECK @ dlm bahasa mlayu nyer CEK. Sb kami tau msti anda akan alami prob x tau nak pilih cara pembyrn kan…anda just klik kat ‘CHECK’ je mase kat sign up dan pastikan alamat korg tu btol sb cek tu akan smpai kat DPN PINTU UMAH ANDA.
Cara Bayaran BOFFOPAIDMAIL kat korang SELAIN CHECK (kalau x nak, abaikan je) ==> cara cepat dpt duit direct ke account.
contohnya melalui PALPAY

Selepas korg sume dh register kat BOFFOPAIDMAIL tu, korg kena develope website anda sendiri utk promote pd kwn2 korg?.senang jer?
copy paste jer url anda..ok? TUkar url saya kpd url anda


Wwow...aku baru terbaca cara nk buat duit dgn mayban2u...mmc boileh untung ke??ape pun aku tak tau...dan aku harap artile ni bpleh bantu korang untk buat duit..ape2 pun pikir2 kan...

korang nak tgk link website tu??? KLIK SINI DAA..


Mungkin ada diantara anda yang tak tahu nak menyertai atau menfaatkan Maybank2u, saya harap anda baca cara dan risalah ini.

Untuk menyertai Maybank2u, ikuti langkah berikut :-

  • Bagi yang belum ada akuan sila buka akaun Maybank.
  • Untuk daftar anda masukkan Kad Maybank anda ke mesin ATM, masukkan no. pin dan lihat menu di screen.
  • Pilih menu Maybank2u untuk daftar (ikut arahan) dan anda akan menerima resit yang tercatit laman web, simpan untuk anda gunakan semasa mendaftar di internet.
  • Masukkan sekali lagi Kad Maybank ke mesin ATM dan pilih menu daftar no. mobile, (ikut arahan) masukan no. handphone anda. Selesai !!!
  • Di internet anda layari laman web yang diberi dan gunakan no. kad Maybank anda sebagai kata laluan (first time login). Ikut arahan yang diberi.
  • Untuk mendapatkan no. TAC di laman web Maybank2u, setelah login anda klik di Utilities, pilih TAC Request dan klik Request TAC Now!
  • Nombor TAC akan dihantar ke handphone anda melalui SMS.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009


well setelah menemuramah admin myspacemoney...aku akhirnya tau upenye2 syarikat hosting sedang updated server...sbb tu jd mcm hasil "temumarah" aku...

JAWAPAN--------> syarikat hosting sekarang sedang update server..bukan masalah orang atau ahli yang ramai.bukan masalah daripada sistem myspacemoney,kami akan pastikan masalah ini akan selesai secepat mungkin.segala kesulitan amat dikesal

so kepada ahli2 tu harap bersabar la ye...nnt klu ade ape2 pertanyaan yang tidak memuakan hati korang..tanya la aku..hihihih..

Monday, November 30, 2009


korang percaya tak facebook dgn facebook pun leh buat duit..aku bru je terjumpe kejap tadi dan aku try la join..bnde free..mmg laju la kan.. ;p..klu tak percaya tgk kt ats ni..
so nk join tak??? >>>>KLIK SINI<<<<<

Sunday, November 29, 2009


Ni adalah salah satu cara utk buat SPAMMING/"promosi tanpa kebenaran di Facebook/Myspace/Friendster/Tagged"

1) Buat Screen Shoot Gambar site/Blog anda

2) Tag semua nama Sahabat anda di Gambar tu!

3) Hantar kat semua sahabat2 anda itu.

Mudah bukan??

mau tahu lebih lanjut?????>>>>>KLIK SAYA<<<<<<<<


p/s: from admin;
jangan risau.myspacemoney tidak akan tutup.

sistem dapat mengesan ip address ahli.jika seseorang ahli sudah login ke akaun,ip address ahli itu akan disimpan oleh sistem,dan jika ahli itu klik link orang lain.maka ip address ahli itu tidak diterima sebagai komisen atau klik.
syarikat membayar setiap ahli daripada hasil klik daripada orang ramai yang bukan ahli walaupun orang yang klik itu tidak menjadi ahli.

p/s: jangan join forum ape2...tak elok..


hi there...welcome to my blog..please leave ur link at my shoutbox or just simply add my ym..
before that...TQ

Friday, November 27, 2009





Friday, July 31, 2009


Selamat Datang









Menjadi agen promosi bagi pihak
Website replika atas nama anda untuk tujuan promosi
Koleksi ebook,video,software marketing tool
Jana pendapatan dan berpeluang mendapat RM28,014.00


maklumat lanjut??add ym sy di

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Gempar Tentang Michael Jackson Dibunuh (Harian Metro)

Petikan ini diambil dari Harian Metro yang mengesahkan bahawa Michael Jackson mati dibunuh kerana telah disuntik ubat berlebihan.

LOS ANGELES: Kematian Michael Jackson kini sah disiasat sebagai kes bunuh, semalam selepas hasil bedah siasat mendapati dia disuntik ubat berlebihan.

Menurut rakan baik keluarga Michael, Terry Harvey, polis memaklumkan kepada keluarga Michael bahawa mereka akan mendakwa seorang atau lebih suspek dalam tempoh beberapa hari.

“Perbicaraan itu membabitkan pertuduhan jenayah,” katanya.

Menurutnya, suspek terdiri daripada individu yang mengendalikan suntikan serta pihak yang menyediakannya untuk Michael.

Harvey yang mengenali keluarga Michael sejak lama dulu berkata, pakar autopsi menemui banyak kesan ubat penahan sakit berkeupayaan tinggi yang dikenali dengan label Diprivan.

Minggu lalu, La Toya mendakwa dia tahu siapa dalang di sebalik pembunuhan adiknya.

Kata Harvey, autopsi menunjukkan Michael mati apabila Diprivan disuntik berlebihan ke dalam tubuhnya, selain sejumlah pil lain ditemui dalam perut penyanyi terbabit.

“Ada kesan jarum suntikan pada leher dan seluruh tubuhnya,” katanya.

Kemungkinan besar, kata Harvey, pihak berkuasa mendakwa suspek atas tuduhan membunuh tahap kedua, iaitu bertindak menyebabkan kematian.

Katanya, keluarga Michael bekerjasama dengan pasukan penguat kuasa dadah dan polis Los Angeles bagi mengenal pasti doktor mana menyediakan ubat untuk Raja Pop itu.

Mereka juga, katanya, memastikan sejak bila masalah serius itu berlaku.

Dalam temu bual sama, Harvey mendedahkan, keluarga Raja Pop itu akan menyaman penganjur konsert Michael yang sepatutnya diadakan di London.

Mereka dijangka memfailkan saman bernilai RM175 juta ke atas AEG sebaik saja suspek pembunuhan Michael didakwa.

“AEG disaman menyebabkan kematian kerana gagal menjalankan tanggungjawab menjaga keselamatan Michael.

“Syarikat itu sepatutnya boleh menyelamatkan nyawa penyanyi itu,” katanya.

Harvey berkata, bapa Michael, Joe, cuba memulihkan penyanyi itu ketika dia membuat persiapan mengadakan konsert di London.

“Soalnya, sejauh mana penganjur itu tahu masalah Michael dan siapa menyediakan ubat untuknya.

“Semua orang tahu AEG melantik doktor bagi menjaga kesihatan Michael,” katanya.

Sementara itu, wakil AEG berkata, pihaknya melakukan apa saja yang termampu untuk menjayakan konsert Michael.

AEG juga sentiasa menegaskan Raja Pop itu sihat dan cergas sepanjang masa latihan. – Agensi

Michael Jackson Dibunuh 20 Tahun Lalu??

MENGEJUTKAN, di Neverland Valley Ranch petugas forensik dari kepolisian
Santa Barbara menemukan bukti bahwa Michael Jackson telah lama tewas dengan
ditemukannya mayat yang diidentifikasi sebagai King of Pop tersebut.

“Penyelidik sebab kematian secara resmi sudah menyatakan Michael Jackson telah meninggal. Dari apa yang kami temukan, dia telah meninggal antara 18 hingga 20 tahun lalu,” Kata petugas forensik pemeriksa, Tim Holbrooke, Selasa.

“Kami tak yakin, siapa atau apa yang berdiri di pengadilan Santa Maria itu saat ini,” katanya setengah kebingungan.
Menurut Holbrooke, mayat Jacko dikubur hanya beberapa inci di bawah bidang rel kereta api miniatur yang berjalan mengelilingi Neverland. Sebagian besar dari mayat yang mengering itu memakai sisa sebuah jaket kulit dengan ritseleting merah dan sebuah sarung tangan.

“Kami secara positif mengenali jasad itu sebagai Jackson dari laporan giginya dan DNA,” kata Holbrooke. “Tetapi sebelum kami mengadakan satu tes forensik, kami sudah mencurigai bahwa kami tidak dapat mengungkap Michael asli, dan bahwa sosok meresahkan yang dituntut sebagai Jackson itu adalah palsu.”

Holbrooke mengatakan bahwa, walaupun mayat mengalami pembusukan, dari hasil
pemeriksa jasad dengan foto publisitas awal karir Jackson, mereka menemukan
kemiripan yang menyolok pada struktur tulang dan raut wajah. Tetapi anehnya,
saat mereka membandingkan jasad dengan foto yang diambil sesudah 1987, tidak
ditemukan kemiripan.

“Penemuan ini menimbulkan banyak pertanyaan, tetapi juga memberi titik terang pada sejumlah insiden yang meresahkan saat ini,” kata Holbrooke.

Ahli forensik dan kritikus musik memperkirakan Jackson telah meninggal sebelum peluncuran album multi-platina BAD. Bahkan detektif saat ini menganalisa syair Man In The Mirror untuk dijadikan petunjuk yang mungkin berhubungan dengan entitas yang mirip dan dicurigai telah membunuh anggota paling muda dari Jackson 5 ini dengan memalsukan identitasnya.

Holbrooke mengatakan bahwa, Jacko yang hidup adalah tersangka utama di kasus
pembunuhan ini, dia bisa jadi sebagai korban dari beberapa tersangka lain.”

“Secara mendasar, kami tidak mengetahui makhluk macam apa yang kami sedang
hadapi saat ini,” kata Holbrooke.

Seorang anggota tim investigasi yang menemukan jasad Jackson menggambarkan
pengalaman itu sebagai memasuki ‘dunia lain’. “Sewaktu kami mendekati jalur
rel Neverland, anjing mulai menggonggong dan melolong seperti gila,” kata
Detective Santa Barbara County Frank Poeller. “Kami mesti menarik mereka ke
dalam rumah. Ketika kami sampai ke kamar tidur Jackson, satu di antara anjing hampir mati saat mencoba keluar lewat jendela. Sesudah beberapa menit, anjing yang sama membawa kami ke mayat itu.”

Seorang wakil dari label ciptaan Jackson, MJJ Productions, mengatakan tidak heran mengetahui bahwa Jackson yang sekarang adalah penipu ulung.

“Saat kami sedang rekaman Heal The World untuk album Dangerous, saya tahu
sesuatu yang sangat salah,” kata Manager MJJ, Luke Allard. “Michael tidak nampak seperti dirinya sendiri lagi. Dia meminta makanan aneh dan duduk berjam-jam di sebuah hyperbaric. Penampilannya mulai menjadi semakin aneh.
Setelah itu, dia mulai memakai topeng dan membuat pengakuan pada seekor simpanse.”

“Saya berpikir, pria ini sudah menjadi monster,” kata Allard.
Allard mengatakan dia berpikir bahwa penipu lihai itu memutuskan hubungan dengan mantan teman-teman Jackson dan melindungi dirinya sendiri dan menjadi seorang yang radikal.

11 Damaging Mistakes Guitar Players Make and How To Avoid Them

Do you know how some guitar players practice most days of the week, work hard, and are passionate about their guitar playing, but they always struggle to be able to play guitar the way they want? They are frustrated because they don’t improve fast enough, begin doubting their guitar playing potential, or even feel discouraged or angry with themselves when thinking about how long it is taking them to become a better guitar player.

Can you relate to that? I sure can, I just described myself 15 years ago.

There are specific reasons why guitar players go through such frustration and disappointment. Here are 11 key mistakes guitar players make and repeat over and over again that you should definitely avoid.

1. Teaching Yourself To Play Guitar. Many people attempt to teach themselves how to play guitar. Yes, it’s true that some well known players were ‘somewhat’ self taught, but I do not suggest following that strategy even if your favorite player was self taught. If you are 100% sure that you can build powerfully effective learning and training systems on your own, that's great. However, if you are like most of us, doing it alone is the hardest, most time-consuming, stressful, and frustrating way to learn anything. This is a mistake that you should avoid. Some guitar players think it will impress others if they say, "I am a self taught guitar player". That statement might impress a few inexperienced people, but being self taught is not a 'badge of honor'. Would you rather impress others with your guitar playing or with an unimportant statement about your guitar playing? I'm not criticizing self taught guitar players, I'm only saying that there is no advantage to being self taug ht… and no, it is not true that being 'self taught' makes us more 'original'. In fact, the opposite is usually true.

2. Taking Guitar Lessons From Ineffective Guitar Teachers. Unfortunately, most electric guitar teachers receive ZERO training on how to teach guitar. What is worse is that the vast majority of teachers do little or nothing to improve their guitar teaching skills. Want some proof? Use google’s keyword tool . Type in this keyword phrase: ‘improve guitar teaching skills’, ‘guitar teaching skills’, or ‘guitar teaching training’ and you will find that less than 10 searches per month are done for these topics at google! Of course there are some highly effective electric guitar teachers around, but there are a whole lot more ineffective teachers. Here is a free resource on how to tell the difference between the good guitar teachers and the mediocre ones, free guide: how to find a guitar teacher:

3. Seeking New Guitar Information (tricks, tips, tab) Without A Proven Strategy To Reach Your Specific Musical Goals. We need information, advice, help and music to play, but without a proven strategic learning and training process that is specific to you, your skill level, your musical style and what you want to be able to do as a guitar player, information won’t get you where you want to go. It is better to first seek help in developing a customized strategy for you to become a better guitar player. After that strategy is in place, then it is time to deal with learning the right information.

4. Not Knowing Specifically What You Want To Be Able To Play. Most guitar players are not specific enough when they think about (or tell others about) what they want to be able to do with their guitar. To say, "I want to play whatever I wish to play” is too vague. How can you (or your guitar teacher) develop a specific and effective guitar training strategy unless the goals you have are specific? It's like saying you want to be a great athlete, how can you effectively train with such a vague goal? Sure there are things you can do to become faster, stronger, more flexible or whatever, but it's much easier if you first get specific such as, I want to train to be a gymnast, or a long distance runner, or a body builder. Yes you can still improve without a strategy, but it will take a lot longer and be much more frustrating. You can always change your goal later if you discover you want to do something else instead.

5. Not Enough Focus On Things That Matter Most To Making You A Better Guitar Player. Have you fallen into the trap of practicing guitar without focusing on the specific things that can quickly begin to improve your guitar playing? Many people really do not understand and apply this concept in enough detail…. for example, I have a student named Mark who used to take lessons from another teacher in the past. Mark was studying sweep picking arpeggios with his previous teacher, and was making some progress. However Mark did not understand what ‘specific’ things he needed to focus on first before attempting to master the sweep picking arpeggios he was practicing. This was holding him back and making him feel very frustrated. Mark’s previous teacher only knew how to ‘teach’ arpeggios and general sweep picking concepts. He did not really know how to “train” Mark with the specific things to focus on and how to overcome the challenges Mark was having. If you would like to see a small sample of this check out this short sweep picking video lesson:

6. Too Much Focus On Things That Are Not Core To Your Goals. In addition to not focusing on specific things, many guitar players focus on the ‘wrong things’. Some enthusiastic guitar players become temporarily obsessed with things which are distractions from other things that could be helping their guitar playing much more. Here is an example: I used to get so frustrated and angry when I could not play something perfectly, I’d lock myself in my guitar practice room and say, “I’m not coming out of this room until I master this damn lick if it takes me the next 19 hours! No breaks! No food! No human contact! I’m gonna nail this!” And I did master it. On the surface, it might seem like I was on the right track and practicing in a good way…. But in reality, I was spending my time only to stop being angry and frustrated. I was not investing my guitar practice time wisely by focusing on the things that mattered most to making a better guitar player. In other words, my perseverance was commendable, but my strategy to master important long-term goals was weak. I allowed myself to be distracted. I don’t make this same mistake anymore, and I urge you to also avoid it! Focus on the things that really matter for your guitar playing right now. If you are not sure how to do this, seek out a proven guitar teacher today.

7. Focusing On The Right Things, But in The Wrong Order. This is a common mistake that even many advanced guitar players make which causes a lot of wasted time and frustration. Imagine you want to improve your ability to create your own cool guitar solos. Let’s assume that you are advanced enough to truly understand all the primary and secondary elements of composing guitar solos (or you have a guitar teacher to help you). Each of the many elements need to be learned and/or practiced in order to easily create awesome solos that you like. Where should you begin? What should you focus on first, second, third? Which of these things should you practice simultaneously? There is always a specific order in which musical skills should be learned and mastered in order to EXPLODE your musical skills. Unfortunately, that order is totally different for every person, style of music, musical goal, skill set and knowledge, so giving an example here would be pointless. My advice, find the b est teacher you can and study with him/her in order to be able to do what you want to do with your guitar much faster and easier.

8. Not Isolating Problem Areas. Few guitar players are aware of the small things that hold them back in big ways. Because these little imperfections seem insignificant to us, we often ignore them. The truth is, small hinges open big doors. In the video mentioned above I explained how allowing your guitar pick to lose its momentum when you are ‘not picking’ a note on the guitar makes your playing slow and sloppy…. which will make you feel very frustrated. This is why I was sure to make a special point to help you avoid that mistake. Check out the small sample sweep picking video for more details: .

9. Learning And Practicing Guitar In A Step By Step Linear Process. Does following a linear step by step approach to learning, practicing and mastering guitar seem like common sense good to you? Yes it does… And that is why guitar players who follow such a path are NOT great guitar players. I’m going to let you in an insider’s secret… The truth is, following a linear approach to learning guitar, practicing guitar, and mastering guitar is the NUMBER ONE REASON WHY “GOOD GUITAR PLAYERS” STRUGGLE TO BECOME “GREAT GUITAR PLAYERS”… I originally thought I would write an article on this one point alone, but I think you will learn this concept better in another short video I recorded while I was doing a recent guitar instructional clinic tour a few months ago. Check out this free sample from my clinic on how to practice guitar .

10. Practicing Guitar In The Same Way Your Favorite Guitar Players Practice Guitar. Have you ever read about how your favorite guitar players practice guitar and then tried to repeat the same practice routine? Yes, I’ve made this mistake too! It seems natural to use a similar guitar practice schedule that our favorite guitar players are using. This is a mistake, because your current guitar skill level and knowledge of music is probably very different from your favorite player. His/her challenges and needs are likely not the same as yours.

Professional guitar players practice for different reasons than most amateur players do. For example, before recording a new album I will practice very differently compared to the period before going on tour. Once I’m actually on tour my practice routine changes drastically again. The rest of the year my practicing schedule changes yet again. This happens because in each case my challenges and goals are totally different. When my guitar students ask me, “Tom, how do you practice guitar?” I’m careful not to let my students assume that they should practice the same way that I do. Your practice schedule and strategy needs to be built around YOU and you only! If you need help building your own practice schedule, email me directly.

11. Learning From Too Many Different Sources Of Information. There will always be many learning opportunities and various paths to take, but it is critical that you do not get distracted into following a piece of advice from one person, then another piece of advice from another person and then follow more resources from somewhere else and so on and so on... while different people may have some good ideas to offer, the fact is, distraction is a big reason why many guitar players who are actively learning, don't really move forward quickly... these people are always busy following totally different resources, teachers, philosophies, instructional videos, free online guitar lessons, but all of this leads them to take one step forward, then 2 steps to the right, then one step forward, then 3 steps to the left, then one step backward, then two to the right, then 1 step forward and then another step to the left...

An illustration of this is shown below. The first path is obviously the most direct way to arrive to your goals. The second path is the inefficient approach filled with many distractions that come from various pieces of advice from many sources:

Once you have an effective strategy to become the guitar player you want to be, ALWAYS stay focused on it (unless your goals radically change)!! The very best way to do this is to have ONE primary guitar teacher who helps you to become the musician you really want to be.

This doesn't mean that you shouldn't take advice from other people too, but you should have one 'primary' source of information, training and coaching, and see the other advice as an additional resource, but do not become distracted by it.

Download this free guide on how to find the best guitar teacher with proven teaching strategies, proven training strategies and proven results so that you become the awesome guitar player you want to be and play the guitar the way you’ve always wanted to play.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Speeding Up Application Development with Ready-MadeIcons

There are several ways to get images done for Web sites and software projects. Enterprises with deep pockets employ designers crafting custom images full-time. Smaller companies outsource their images to third-party design studios, getting their images for hefty fees. Organizations that are even smaller contract freelance designers, saving some money at the risk of not getting anything at all, receiving something not quite up to specs, or receiving the order too late.

Going stock saves software and Web developers time, money and uncertainty. Why should you get stock images? There are a number of reasons. With stock images, you'll get your images immediately after placing an order. Stock images are available for instant preview and immediate download the moment you order your graphics. No long waits and no surprises in getting your images done!

By purchasing a stock icon collection, you save on ordering custom images. Ready-made images are much more affordable than any images you get from a design studio. By going stock, you are saving time and money, moving your project a leap closer to completion without emptying your pockets.

With stock images, you get images on time, guaranteed! No delays and no surprises - you get exactly what you see the immediately after placing an order.

With royalty-free images, you pay once, use anywhere. If you order royalty-free images such as those offered by Perfect Icons, you can use the images in as many projects as you like. Pay once, use anywhere! No extra licensing fees are required.

If you order from Perfect Icons, you can get up to 5 matching icons made for you. Free with every purchase of an icon collection! Need just one or two icons matching the collection of icons you've just ordered to finish your project? How about five? Perfect Icons will make you up to five icons to match your requirements and the style of the icon library you have purchased without charging you a dime!

About Perfect Icons

Perfect Icons has multiple collections of affordable stock icons ready to be used by software and Web developers. By providing developers with stock, royalty-free images, Aha-Soft helps you speed up software development, remove uncertainty of how the final product will look like, and reduce bottom line expenses on graphics design.

Perfect Icons contains a number of images collections in a variety of image styles, themes, and sizes. The site features images designed in Windows XP and Windows Vista styles, as well as theme graphics bearing their own unique styling.

Creating Icons with Aqua Effect

Designing a fresh new image having the famous "aqua" effect is easier than you think – if you use proper tools. To create an image from scratch, a professional, small and simple icon editor such as IconLover 5 ( ) is all you really need.

For example, let us make an aqua-style icon to represent "Add", a glass ball with a "plus" sign in it. First, you’ll need to draw a circle of a chosen color. Pick the color from the Color properties menu. Just so you know, you can always memorize a color by adding it to Custom Colors; this comes really handy if you need to draw a matching set of images.

With the Transparency bar or with one of the Transparency presets, define your new icon’s opacity. For this tutorial, the ball has to be fully opaque. Similarly, you can set background color; for simplicity’s sake, we’ll keep the background transparent for now.

To make a circle of your chosen color, select the Filled Ellipse tool by clicking the Filled Ellipse icon in the Tools menu, which is on the left of the drawing area. Holding the left mouse button down, move the mouse within the drawing area to draw an ellipse. The ellipse changes its size and shape as you move the mouse. To create a perfectly round circle, hold Shift while drawing. That’s it, you have just created a circle!

To add volume and dimension to the flat circle, we’ll need to add some special effects. There are tons of those built into IconLover! You can add shadows, gradients, transparency masks, and of course, the famous ‘glass reflection’ look employed by the aqua effect.

To make an icon matching Apple’s Aqua style, you’ll need to add a reflection and a shadow to the circle. This can be done quite easily altogether by simply selecting Aqua from the Effects menu. Keep all sliders and values at their defaults for now, and you’ll get a beautiful shiny sphere as a result.

Now let’s add an artist’s touch and make your icon truly unique. Go back to that Aqua dialog and have a carefull look at the properties. There are plenty of properties available to tweak, allowing you to design something never seen before. Go ahead and tweak the sliders to see how your icon can look!

As a final touch, let’s add some dimension to your newly created icon. While glowing and shiny, it still looks like a lens rather than a crystal ball. Let’s fix that by adding a drop-down shadow! To apply a shadow effect to the icon, click "Drop shadow" from the Effects menu. You can stick to defaults, or adjust the settings around to get a flat button, a lens, or a ball. The look depends on the size of the shadow, its distance from the subject, and the angle at which it falls to the ground.

To embed the ‘plus’ sign into the icon, click on the Text tool icon in the left Tools menu or press "T" to get the text properties window. Make sure the "Image transparency" box is checked. This means that your text will not be transparent, only the area around it will be. Adjusting the "Use semi-transparency" setting assigns your text the same level of transparency your primary color has. Type "+", and you’ll get the ‘plus’ sign inserted into the ball.

That’s it! You’ve just created a crystal ball that appears to be in the famous Aqua style! All you needed was a professional icon editor, IconLover 5, a few mouse clicks and a couple of minutes of your time. Easy!

The Fundamentals of Software Testing

“The Fundamentals of Software Testing” is the first module of the ISEB Software Testing Foundation course and examination syllabus. ISEB recommend that Software Testing Foundation students spend 20% of their study time on the Software Testing Fundamentals course section. “The Fundamentals of Software Testing” is also the title of the opening chapter in the official ISEB Software Testing manual.

Understanding the fundamentals of software testing is clearly crucial to achieving proficiency according to the ISEB software testing professional standards. But what, precisely, are these “fundamentals” of software testing, and what do you need to know in order to pass the ISEB Software Testing Foundation examination?

Why is testing necessary?

According to Peter Morgan (freelance testing practitioner and member of the ISEB Software Testing Accreditation and Examination panel), an unnecessarily high proportion of IT systems fail to fulfil expectations – or fail to work at all – because of insufficient software testing prior to release.

Software testing cannot guarantee against software problems or even failure, but it can minimise the risk of faults developing once the software is in use. In order to understand why software testing is necessary, it is important to consider the causes and impact of IT systems failure, and the crucial role that testing plays in Quality Assurance.

The ISEB Software Testing Foundation training-courses focus on five learning requirements:

• The potential impact of an IT systems failure;
• Causes/effects of software failure;
• Why testing is necessary;
• Testing versus Quality Assurance;
• Basic industry terminology.

What is testing?

Software Testing is a method of identifying faults in the product before it is released; this includes defects in the software code and its execution, as well as any potential gap between what the code is supposed to do and what it actually does.

The ISEB Software Testing Foundation exam requires students to:

• Know the basic objectives of testing;

• Understand how these testing objectives apply in the context of creating, using and supporting software (including the difference between testing and ‘debugging’, and the different uses of static testing and dynamic testing).

General testing principles

The ISEB Software Testing courses introduce students to 7 software testing principles:

• Testing can show that problems exist, but not that problems do not exist.
• Testing covers a limited range of sample situations, and is not comprehensive.
• The earlier a problem is found, the less it costs to fix.
• Defects will tend to cluster around specific areas (e.g. system complexity, or staff inexperience). These areas can be particularly targeted by testers.
• A set of tests, run repeatedly, will have diminishing effect.
• The type, design and focus of testing will vary according to the software tested.
• A test that does not reveal errors does not prove that the software is error-free.

Fundamental test process

Software testing is not simply a case of reviewing documentation or running a software program to check for bugs. To ensure that the appropriate tests are operated effectively and return value on the invested resources, it is crucial that software testers carry out five basic activities, which the ISEB Software Testing guidance links to form a software testing process:

1. Test planning and control

a. Test planning defines what will be tested, how it will be tested, and who we will know when the testing is complete.
b. Test control is an iterative activity that compares the progress against the plan, and adjusts the plan as required.

2. Test analysis and design

a. Test analysis considers the specific conditions to be tested, and how these test conditions are to be combined into test cases.
b. Test design describes the expected outcome of the test, so that testers can easily recognise when a fault has occurred.

3. Test implementation and execution

Execution represents the most visible testing activity, and encompasses setting up the tests, generating test data, logging test activities and analysing the test results.

4. Evaluating exit criteria and reporting

The test “exit criteria” (established during “Test planning and control”) indicate that testing is complete.

5. Test closure activities

• Ensure that all documentation has been correctly completed
• Close down and archive the test environment, infrastructure and testware
• Hand over testware to maintenance team
• Log lessons learned

The psychology of testing

Selecting the appropriate individual(s) to perform the tests, and communicating the results of the tests to the developers, requires a basic understanding of the psychology of testers and developers.

The ISEB Software Testing guidance provides a hierarchy of ‘independence’ – that is, a list of individuals who could potentially test the software, gradated according to their perceived level of detachment from the development process:

• The authors of the code
• Members of the same development team as the authors of the code
• A different group within the same organization
• A different organization

There are varying advantages and disadvantages to individuals at different levels in the hierarchy performing the software tests. For example, the developer might be able to resolve a difficulty more quickly, but might be also be less likely to spot the difficulties in the first place.

In addition to the independence/detachment of the testers from the software development process, it is important to consider how testers can communicate the results of the test to the developers. The ISEB Software Testing Foundation exam requires students to explain strategies for providing courteous feedback on defects, for example:

• Focus on delivering quality, rather than pointing out mistakes;
• Test reports are not directed towards people but towards products;
• Discuss problems openly, and attempt mutual understanding;
• At the end of a discussion, confirm that both parties understand what has been agreed.


Understanding the fundamentals of software testing is crucial to passing the ISEB Software Testing Foundation examination. During an accredited ISEB Software Testing Foundation course, approximately two and a half hours should be devoted to studying what testing is, why it is necessary, and the fundamentals principles and processes behind a successful test performance.